she said i'm looking nothing like my father
and I hope she'll say it again when we make a daughter
but to bookend comments makes me bother
and worry
toil and tremble
like the last crash of the cymbal
advances symbolic signs
of the finished lives
and the remains of lines
drawn with chalk
faded and scented
the dust still talks
still speaks the words
once written to smitten
the minds of children to convince them
of the merit of inventions
but the children don't remain
they change and age
until we're all elderly sages
content with the wisdom confined
to pages of our books
and through that window glass I look
at the world,
and when i read its through that glass twice
but i think when my eyes are closed
is when the world seems nice
for when i awake to the opaque
light translucent rays play
through the haze of my mind
and that split second of dreamy reality
is the only real sense of calm I ever get.
so i try to find the calm otherwise
my vices are nice when combined
i like to smoke when i drink
and i like the wine straight off the vine
I like to take shots with shots in the arm
and smiling while my nostrils get filled
never did any harm
and taking that tab while i chew on the caps
really makes me relax
and writing along with all of these things
escapes my mind to the realms of dreams
so please don't open it
i'm addicted to addiction
some say its unfortunate
but it's the gift that keeps giving.
and while i'm still living
I know i'll never know about many of the things in this list
but the gist of what i'm trying to comment
is the comfort of not having to deal
the comfort of accepting i can choose to not be real
and while it won't last
and while i shouldn't want it to last
i know that this life will never last either
so i'll walk that tight rope line
looking for sure footing to find
a means to perceive her
For i truly want to believe her
the nature so motherly
i cannot deceive her
but knowing that one day like the snow i will leave her
and if my fate dissipates
like the seasons change the gates
of each person walking straight
then i will not stray
for that path is a blessing of thanks for each of these days-
in this book of life
pages left blank for the day to write
lined shavings of wood- whose rings have been pressed
molded and colored to hold what we could
never express
to suggest that there is a conquest
and life is consequentially essential
to live as our best.
fuck the rest.
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