
I live and die by some stuff

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Or Anything

She raises her eyebrows
and bows to the screen,
safely letting in the air
after the glass pane is lifted.

She raises her eyelids
and glimpses sideways, that
she may catch the animation
from that VCR to screen.

She lifts her hands
and touches her infant son-
becoming in her womb.
And holds his hands in hers.

She raises her upper lip
and lets her tongue taste
the sweet saline drips
in cool collected fear from her glands.

She raises her chin
to face the digital clock
and hammer her raising alarm
and opens her shades.

She raises her foot and leg
and stands to walk her
room. Stands to move
herself, move her blood.

She raises her fingers
and swipers away the
dreams from her eye corners
and pulls her cheeks.

She raises her lungs
and lowers them focusing
on her understanding of
life: breathing, breathing, breathing.

She lifts her hands
and touches where there is
no flower. No bloom, no stamen or stem,
or petal, or pollen

Or anything. She raises her
toes and sets them back on
the blades, so lush and
full she raises the corners of her mouth.


Beyond that faint thought,
through the meadows and creeks,
I see a monument held
up by the stone. Cold, firm,

Structured to balance the weight.
Inside the visitor center we read
the plaque: "Here inside a man
stands and never sits."

His stoic face traced in grays
and blacks and flecks of silver.
But there still shone just a gleam,
just a spark in his eye.

And with his hand pointed
the sun falling through the cloud,
I can feel his wrist catching
and lifting our star back into

the sky. I too never sit-
as long as I can
for the pocket ticks and
I must rise again.

Dust can't gather on
a monument, and dusk can't
set unless it is given

Eyes the tongue

Eyes the tongue
Sight tasted. Wasted away
with legs.
Evoluntionary dissent

Serpentine dreams dashed
in a selection process so normal
it was natural.

And with eyes like that
you see we're all evolved,
or else we've bred
with snakes.

Skin pulled to tight around
my lips. Pulled to tight
around this pen.
The mane with black marble eyes
and neck stretched up
to the sky
No need to look any longer.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Birthday Poem

Mum's the word
that we never spoke,
but the allusions therein
of my mother were never silent!

Vibrant rather!
Her cool demeanor and keen interest
kept us alive,
kept us living.

Even though I'll wear shorts
when it's less than 60 degrees,
that is still the benchmark
of what makes a nice day.

She was always calm
and always soothing
and she can listen- even
when it hurts us both

But she knew she had too.
I could thank her forever
for ever she will converse with me,
but for ever for her love, I need not thanks!

Birthday Poem

On those midnight's
when my father worked late,
the war movies always
found a way onto our screen

There really wasn't room for popcorn,
but the blankets made the belly empty.
We had left that basement again
and left the blankets out.

He was tired,
my father, but he was nice.
He smelled like the office
and the way I smell after a long car ride

We could always see that he was taller than our house,
but our home was always tall enough
for no worries, to worry would be foolish
but a fool is one who has known no love.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

We saw the flies
crawling along my shoes
these souls long for company anyway
and i don't mind
We were sitting on sofas anyway
when we saw the flies that is
but it wouldn't last long
Sitting on the sofas that is.

For we had a new day to charge
with celebration
yes we did when we saw the flies.
But they couldn't stop us.
The great and black and purple clouds
held the rain back long enough
to see the sun set
and then to sleep
and then we saw the flies.
While we were sitting on sofas.

A place of memory none of which
I've ever shared.
And the serenity eclipses even my arm
and as I feel her rise and fall with each
print of the finger touching key
I sigh and think about the day.
A celebration indeed
for we have risen.
Risen with the flies,
we saw them anyways.

We saw the flies,
crawling across my shoes
We drank our coffee black
and met everyone at that church breakfast.
I've always seemed to think that celebration
was a fine idea.